A conference on the use of Ethiopian Shared Narratives for Peace building with a special focus...

 A conference on the use of Ethiopian Shared Narratives for Peace building with a special focus on the Tigray, Amhara and Afar communities organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, College of Social Sciences and Languages, is going on at Hatsey Yohannes Hotel, Mekelle.

ESNPB tig amr afa

The head of the department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Dr. Efrem Gebreselassie, welcomed the participants. Dr Tesfaalem Gebreyohannes, dean of the college of Social Sciences and Languages on his part also welcomed the conference participants. Up on the call by the dean of the college, Dr Zbelo Tesfamariam, a representative of the Vice President for Research and Community Engagement delivered an opening speech. Dr Gebreyesu Teklu has given a keynote speech. Dr Gebreyesus, in his keynote speech, underlined the power of shared narratives in bridging gaps among communities. In the occasion, five papers will be presented by different experts from Mekelle University and Samara University.